
mercoledì 16 luglio 2014

Top 10 Smartphone

Apple’s iPhone 5s is still the bestselling smartphone in May 2014, 8 months after its launch last year. Samsung’s new flagship, Galaxy S5 comes in at second.

According to Counterpoint’s channel survey across 35 countries, Apple’s iPhone 5s continues to be the bestselling phone in the world, a spot that many expected to be taken by Samsung’s Galaxy S 5. The highly anticipated Galaxy S5 comes in at second place but still a quite distant number two in terms of (sell through) unit sales. The iPhone 5c shipments continue to decline but Apple continued clearing excess inventory for the iPhone 5c during the month. apple iPhone 5c sales put it behing Samsung’s last year’s flagship Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note III.

Xiaomi continues to maintain its position in our top 10 bestsellers list with strong performance in domestic market. The MI3, Hongmi Red Rice and Redmi Note are now available in many overseas markets with Xiaomi’s expanding distribution to cotribute to global sales volumes. But within China, the two models (Mi3 and Redmi) are reaching peak and ‘me-too’ competitors are pushing out similar high-specced products at aggressive price-points. A product refresh beckons in coming months from one of the most talked about Chinese brand.

Samsung’s Galaxy S4 mini stood at 8th and the Galaxy Grand 2 which was released last year captured the 10th spot. The Grand 2 is a more affordable phablet from Samsung with a display size of 5.25″. There are now 3 phablets in the top 10 list which reflects the ongoing trend of larger displays. almost 40% of the smartphones sold in May were phablets according to Counterpoint’s channel research across 35 countries. If Apple comes out with a phablet later this year it will instantly become a hit and top the list of phablets within two months of availability.

Outside of the top 10 list Sony’s Xperia Z1 came in close. Motorola’s Moto G along with Huawei’s Honor 3C and LG’s G2 made into the top 20 list. Next month we expect to see the Nokia X in the ranks of bestsellers as it is moving up fast after just two months of sales.
Top 10 Smartphone* List of May 2014
Rank Brand Model Category
1 Apple iPhone 5s smartphone
2 Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone
3 Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone
4 Samsung Note 3 smartphone
5 Apple iPhone 5c smartphone
6 Apple iPhone 4S smartphone
7 Xiaomi MI3 smartphone
8 Samsung Galaxy S4 mini smartphone
9 Xiaomi Hongmi Redrice smartphone
10 Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 smartphone
(table source: Monthly Market Pulse May 2014)
* Mobile Phone sales only (not shipments). Tablets, PCs, dongles, fixed wireless devices not included. All regional or minor hardware variations included in each model.

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Counterpoint Technology Market Research is a global research firm specializing in Technology products in the TMT industry. It services major technology firms and financial firms with a mix of monthly reports, customized projects and detailed analysis of the mobile and technology markets. Its key analysts are experts in the industry with an average tenure of 13 years in the high tech industry.

martedì 27 maggio 2014

Wikileaks svela l'obiettivo misterioso di NSA

L'organizzazione capitanata da Julian Assange decide di andare oltre lo scoop di The Intercept. Il sesto paese le cui conversazioni sono tutte intercettate è l'Afghanistan
Roma - C'era un unico neo allo scoop della scorsa settimana di The Intercept: al quadro tratteggiato, che racconta di non meno di 6 paesi le cui conversazioni telefoniche sono intercettate da NSA, mancava un piccolo particolare, un dettaglio però non da poco. Il nome del sesto paese oggetto delle attenzioni dell'intelligence statunitense, quello taciuto dalla testata statunitense per ragioni di ordine superiore: Wikileaks ha deciso di rompere il silenzio su quel nome, a prescindere dalle motivazioni di The Intercept relative alla sicurezza, e come era prevedibile il nome in questione è quello dell'Afghanistan.

Wikileaks giustifica la decisione di andare oltre le dichiarazioni di The Intercept per sottrarsi alla censura o quantomeno al condizionamento dei servizi USA: nessuna complicità col governo statunitense, massima trasparenza sulle informazioni in possesso dell'organizzazione senza alcuna limitazione a quanto diffuso alla popolazione. Secondo Wikileaks, insomma, non ci saranno le temute violenze conseguenti alle rivelazioni: quelle sarebbero solo propaganda messa in campo dagli Stati Uniti per condizionare i media.

Da parte loro, Assange e Wikileaks non aggiungono altro alle informazioni su Mystic e SOMALGET fin qui diffuse da Washington Post prima e The Intercept più recentemente: informazioni per altro già oggetto di polemica e difese dall'intelligence a stelle e strisce. Sul terreno, che si tratti di programmi intercettazioni legali o meno, restano le vere vittime: ovvero la privacy e le conversazioni telefoniche intercettate di intere nazioni.